
AMBA: ISC Paris’ second international accreditation

After earning AACSB accreditation in 2017, ISC Paris is now accredited by AMBA–one of 17 French management schools with these two accreditations.

Awarded by the UK-based Association of MBAs since 1967, AMBA accreditation is an international standard for MBA, DBA and Master in Management programs. The accreditation is based on a self-evaluation and a site visit by a team of experts who audit the programs that a school wishes to have accredited.

Two of our programs have earned AMBA accreditation–the Grande École program and the MBA in International Business.

This second accreditation is a testament to our achievements at ISC Paris–to raise our level of academic excellence and our international visibility.

Having these two accreditations will allow us to launch an ambitious international growth strategy, recruit higher-caliber students, and offer our professors additional international opportunities.

It will also help our graduates ramp up the international aspects of their high-achieving careers.

Jean-Christophe HAUGUEL, Dean of ISC Paris : « We’re particularly pleased and proud that the progress we’ve achieved at ISC Paris–through the work of our highly committed and professional staff and professors–has been recognized via this three-year international accreditation. Of course we will continue working together toward these shared goals. »

AMBA specifically noted four pillars of the ISC Paris experience that have served as the foundation for our success:

    • Strong program management, and excellent, highly-committed professors;
    • The quality of our Grande Ecole program and MBA students;
    • Our programs’ structure and content, along with our teaching approach, which are fully-aligned with market needs;
    Our highly-relevant Student Enterprises–a unique feature of our Grande Ecole program–offering students real-world professional experience beyond the classroom.