Paris Campus

Amel Leduc, new Director of Corporate Relations at ISC Paris.

ISC Paris is delighted to welcome Amel Leduc as Director of Corporate Relations. With 25 years’ experience in continuing professional education and executive education, she has been offering her expertise to the school since 3 June.

An engineer from the CNAM and with a degree in business management, Amel Leduc began her career with a consultancy and training firm, where she supported the development and roll-out of training projects. After this initial experience, she joined the Cegos Group, where she held various sales responsibilities before taking charge of a strategic market.

Throughout her career, Amel Leduc has worked with companies and public and private organisations from a wide range of sectors (industry, insurance, medico-social, luxury goods, public institutions, etc.) on the deployment of their skills development projects in France and internationally.

With a desire to complement her expertise in continuing education with a focus on higher education, she joined the Omnes Education Group’s IFG as Sales and Marketing Director, then Director of Development. On 3 June, Amel Leduc took up her position as Director of Corporate Relations at ISC Paris.

Bringing her strategic vision to bear on corporate relations

Since the school was founded in 1963, ISC Paris has been the benchmark school for Action Learning, an original teaching method based on learning experiences such as sandwich courses. Amel Leduc’s first challenge is to pursue, strengthen and develop the school’s relationships with partner companies, students and alumni, as well as the community of donors for both the Taxe d’apprentissage and the Endowment Fund.

She plays the role of intermediary between the business world and the academic world in an economic, social, technical and regulatory context that is constantly evolving, and where it is essential to anticipate the skills needs of companies. “I’m determined to keep a close eye on the challenges facing companies and their markets, so as to create the conditions for a perfect match between the needs of students and the needs of the companies of today and tomorrow”, explains Amel Leduc.

Strong objectives for this new position

As Director of Corporate Relations, Amel Leduc’s ambition is to take a fresh look at Executive Education, bringing the school’s expertise to companies, partners and learners in a spirit of co-construction and mobilisation of educational and scientific resources. “I would like to invest time with our alumni network and carry out in-depth work on the ISC Paris service offering for our partner companies and our community of donors,” explains Amel Leduc.

I am very honoured and enthusiastic to be joining the ISC Paris Group and to be working with such an excellent team to contribute to the school’s reputation and academic innovation. Together, we are working to support the ambitions of our students and learners, who are the talents driving the transformation of current and future businesses. This will involve strengthening links and bridges with economic players. I would like to extend my warmest thanks to the entire team for their warm welcome and for the confidence they have shown in me,” she emphasises.

We are delighted to welcome Amel Leduc to the ISC Paris management team as Director of Corporate Relations. There is no doubt that her experience in Executive Education and more broadly in BtoB will be an asset in developing this strategic area for the school. With Amel, we aim to innovate in the school/company partnership to meet the challenges of skills transformation in the decades to come,” concludes Jean-Christophe Hauguel, Dean of ISC Paris.