
ISC Paris receives BSIS label renewal

ISC Paris has just obtained the BSIS (Business School Impact System) label for a second time, for a period of three years. Created by the FNEGE (Fondation Nationale pour l’Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises) in partnership with the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), the BSIS label measures the nature and extent of a school’s impact on its local, national and international environment.

Awarded for a period of three years, the BSIS label is designed to identify, analyze and quantify the extent and nature of a business school’s impact on its environment. This impact is measured in particular by the school’s contribution to the regional economic fabric, to the attractiveness of the region, to innovation, and to societal developments and conversations.
The panel of experts recognized ISC Paris’ impact, awarding it the BSIS label for the second time, for a period of three years.
In addition to its financial impact, here are the elements that enabled ISC Paris to obtain renewal of the BSIS label:

  • Its impact on the regional ecosystem: ISC Paris contributes to a very rich ecosystem, both on the Paris and Orléans campuses. It is a strong supporter of the political and economic fabric, particularly in Orléans. The school raises the profile of the regions in which it is present, thanks to its partnerships with companies, its international outlook, and a strong academic and alumni presence on social networks.
  • Its societal impact : FNEGE once again emphasized ISC Paris’ commitment to its societal impact, and the fact that measuring it is at the heart of the school’s strategic concerns. ISC Paris plays a genuine social elevator role, offering accredited, high-quality training to a wide variety of students. This is facilitated by a pedagogical organization that enables diverse profiles to study and succeed at the school. The school’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) dimension is also emphasized. In addition to offering CSR courses to all its students, the school is working to produce specialization courses in SDRS (Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility) through the creation of two specifically dedicated research groups.
  • Its educational impact: The school encourages students’ personal growth and the development of agile personalities, by integrating the notion of the right to make mistakes through practical experiences such as student enterprises. ISC Paris also fosters the development of skills that have a positive impact on the Paris and Orléans regions, where there are many work-study students and alumni. Their feedback ensures that the school’s pedagogical approach is constantly updated to keep pace with the realities of the professional world.
  • Its impact on business development: In addition to the internships and work-study contracts offered as part of the programs, the school’s entrepreneurial culture helps students gain confidence. The school’s professors also contribute to this impact by carrying out consulting assignments for companies in the regions where ISC Paris is located.
  • Its impact on intellectual production: The school is distinguished by its high level of academic production, and its professors are encouraged to share their work with the scientific community, partner companies and teaching teams. ISC Paris has also created a structure dedicated to translation and popularization to support researchers and their work, as well as offering consulting services.

A word from the School Director: Jean-Christophe Hauguel

We at ISC Paris are delighted to have renewed the BSIS label after a 1st award in 2021. The highly relevant analysis of the experts commissioned by FNEGE and EFMD provides us with an outside view of the school’s impact and its development over the past 3 years. More broadly, their strategic advice is invaluable in highlighting the school’s true uniqueness and underlining the progress made over the past 3 years. This support is much appreciated by the Executive Committee, and guides us in defining the next strategic plan, which will be unveiled in 2025 .