
MBA student Interview : Yevheniia Stasiuk

Can you introduce yourself and share with us your academic and professional background?

I have two primary skills namely in law and finance. I worked as a lawyer for 11 years (2004-2015), as a licenced barrister and specialized in corporate law supporting the legal processes of businesses, including complex M&A deals.

In 2011 I established my own law company and whilst successful, as a natural progression from this position, in 2015 I accepted an offer to take a CEO position in surgical medical center in Dnipro, Ukraine.

Since 2019 I’ve been running the major ophthalmological medical centre in Kyiv. My responsibilities included overseeing and managing the reconstruction of the building itself, specifying and procuring the necessary medical equipment, performing the HR function to create the core team, and seeing the business launch successfully whilst managing the finances, operations and regulatory requirements. 

Why did you choose the MBA Program of ISC Paris Business School ? 

I started my studying in Paris ISC at the end of 2021 by using an online platform. That time it was a joint project between Paris ISC and International institute of business (Kyiv, Ukraine), both AMBA members.

I chose this course because in my opinion Paris ISC is one of the most progressive European business schools. The classical MBA education that puts you deep inside the culture of doing business in France is necessary for all foreigners who are aiming to continue their career path here.

After dramatic events in my country which started on February 24th , I found a shelter in France. And I really appreciate that Paris ISC allowed me to join the current International MBA course for free (as a solidarity) . So from March 2022 I’m continuing my education offline here. This kind of support from Paris ISC is priceless. For me it’s a unique chance to restart my life , keep my professional level and integrate in the French job market.

Can you tell us about your experience as a student at ISC Paris Business School ?

I’m amazed by the combination of deep academic knowledge and practical tools that we can get during our education here. Harvard cases, business games, real projects for real companies all over the world… it’s just a small part of student’s experience in Paris ISC

The education is quite intense, and it’s an excellent opportunity for training skills to work in a team, to share the experience, to make decisions quickly, sometimes even under the pressure of lack of time. Everything that is mandatory for a manager’s job. 

 And of course I should mention the unique community of our business school. Professors, students, alumni and every person in the school’s team work together to create an inspiring atmosphere to dream big and develop students’ skills in line with their ambition goals.

Why would you recommend the ISC Paris MBA  program to future students ? 

Here some reasons to start MBA education in Paris ISC :

1) getting deep, fulfilling cross-subject academic knowledge about managing a company. 

This is especially valuable for students who have already achieved outstanding results in a particular subject (for example, marketing or finance), but do not feel confident in other areas necessary for doing business.

2) getting practical experience in applying this knowledge. 

Sometimes when you get new information it seems to be understandable and clear. But as soon as you try to apply it and perform some tasks on your own, it becomes quite tough. Usually this is due to the fact that our hard skills are not developed enough. And it is better to do it at school under the guidance of mentors. 

3)Training your own soft skills in group projects and class work. This point is very important, especially for those students who used to work alone. In the modern business world it’s impossible to run some projects or processes in the company alone. Therefore, it’s crucial to learn how to convince other team members, how be able to hear and understand each other, to respect each personality and values and to achieve common result together 

4) amazing experience of student life and being the part of Paris ISC  community

I truly believe that every manager needs to develop own-self during the whole life. 

Studying at MBA program in Paris ISC is one of the best ways to get inspiration, energy, knowledge and skills for new career’s challenge and professional growth.