The strengths of the ISC Paris Academic Incubator

An official status for student entrepreneurs

The official French status of student entrepreneur may be awarded by a regional committee. This status allows access to the leading French network of student entrepreneurs and its associated resources.

A co-working space

On our Paris campus, entrepreneurs have a 1,000 square meter space, fully equipped with a printer, Internet, telephone, mail service, and photocopier, plus meeting rooms and a lounge.

Programs for everyone

The incubator offers group trainings. These workshops can be held at our location or yours, using our PEPITE network. They are project-oriented and allow plenty of time for discussion between participants.

Other benefits

International partner incubators

Budding entrepreneurs can test their business plans internationally, in our partner academic incubators in Belgium, England, Canada, and other countries. This offers a safe environment for opening up new markets.

Financial AID

Scholarships are awarded in certain cases and under certain conditions (business, quality, and impact criteria) to compensate for the loss of internship income when a student chooses to do an internship in their own business.


Entrepreneurs can count on the ISC alumni network, the PEPITE network, and the incubator’s local, national, and international partners.

Complet and customized support

Every entrepreneur has to deal with key issues such as writing a business plan, making financial forecasts or choosing a legal structure. To make the right choices, budding entrepreneurs need advice and support. Entrepreneurs also have to overcome doubt, uncertainty, and setbacks–frequent occurrences throughout the process.

The ISC Paris incubator puts people first and business plans second. Becoming an entrepreneur is an ongoing learning process–it involves lots of meetings, informed opinions, targeted responses, and many hours of work.
The incubator offers a variety of tools to guide, assist, and support entrepreneurs: mentorship with experienced volunteer mentors, and coaching for creating a business plan.

Conditions for accessing the Incubator

The incubator is available to all ISC Paris Group students and graduates.
Selection is done throughout the year, based on an application and an interview with a jury.
Places may be awarded to entrepreneurs from the school’s partner educational institutions or businesses.

The Incubator's added value


projects supported, average, by early


Each business creates or maintains an average of five jobs


are still active, three years later


return to a salaried job after their educational program