The ISC Paris Bachelor program

The key points

  • Admission requirements open to high school graduates or those with 2 or 3 years of higher education
  • Accreditations Visa Bac+3 and Grade de Licence
  • Language French or English
  • Rhythm Initial for the 3 years or work-study for the 3rd year.
  • Duration 3 years
  • Price 9 400€ for the 1st year ; 9 400€ for the 2nd year ; 9 800€ for the 3rd year
  • Intake March 2025 or September 2025
  • Campuses Paris & Orléans

Presentation of the ISC Paris Bachelor

Clear instructional objectives

Specialization Digital & Marketing Com' (100% English)
– Media Planning
– Social Media
– Web Editorial
– Web Site Design
Specialization Banking & Finance (French)
– Ethics and sanctions
– Contract law for banking and financial products
– New technologies for banking
– Insurance of persons
International Business (100% English)
– Geopolitics and Risk Management
– International Financial Management
– Sustainable International Business Development
– International Project

A customized program: one bachelor degree, many programs

Three tracks are available to choose from, depending on your goals:

  • General bachelor track  – Paris and Orléans campuses
  • Full english general bachelor track – Paris campus
  • Bachelor in sports studies – Paris campus

One degree program, two campuses

At ISC Paris Grande École, we are committed to our students’ career placement success; daily immersion in corporate life is at the heart of our mission.

Our locations in France’s capital city–near the La Défense business center–and in the regional capital of Orléans foster the creation of a broad business network.

This is tremendously helpful to our students looking for internships, work/study placements, jobs, and business creation opportunities.

One degree program, two possibilities

The ISC Paris Bachelor is designed to help you quickly find a job after graduation, or to continue studying for a Master 2 degree (the equivalent of high school + five years in the French system). This opportunity is available to you, and you should evaluate it based on your career plans.

A solid academic and professional background

The Bachelor Program allows you to become a working professional, and to quickly adapt to the needs of corporations and new roles.

The ISC Paris Bachelor program is designed to help you successfully enter the working world, based on:

  •  A generalist, professionally-focused curriculum and fundamental knowledge of theory,
  •  A professional curriculum with an international focus,
  •  A team of professors who are researchers and working professionals,
  •  Learning about entrepreneurship through ISC Paris Student Enterprises, including 180 association projects each year,
  •  An approach aimed at career success, with the opportunity for students to create their own individual career plans.
  •  Inter-scholastic business competitions and games.

The entrepreneurial spirit at the forefront

ISC Paris’ curriculum emphasizes creativity and developing an entrepreneurial spirit

If you want to dive into starting a business, you can–from your second year onwards–test your skills in a Student Enterprise, through our Entrepreneurial Track or the ISC Paris Incubator. This real-world experience will help you progressively develop the skills you need to follow your career desires, and you’ll be able to attack a very demanding goal–creating a solid and realistic Business Plan.

ISC Paris is a member of the PEPITE CREAJ IDF network, which allows you to benefit from student-entrepreneur status.

A spotlight on international education
Our entire program has an international component:

The Full English track in our Bachelor in International Business program, with all courses in English on the Paris campus, for all three years of the program.
An academic exchange at one of our partner universities during the second year.
A dual Bachelor degree from ISC Paris and an international partner university during the third year: this dual degree complies with the LMD system (a European higher education diploma system that organizes degree programs into three levels: high school + three years for a Licence, high school + five years for a Master, and high school + eight years for a doctorate, divided into groups according to ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) credits).

Learning through real-world experience

ISC Paris’ teaching methods focus on Action Learning. This approach is based on systematically applying the knowledge you’ve gained throughout the curriculum. You’ll solidify your subject-specific skills and develop real-world know-how: agility, resilience, multiculturalism, teamwork, leadership, situational intelligence and the self-confidence that comes from allowing yourself to make mistakes.

Our teaching approach focuses on:

  •  Group work, with emphasis on business case studies,
  •  Learning about entrepreneurship through Student Enterprises,
  •  Corporate immersion with a minimum of six months of internships in France and in other countries,
  •  Work/study option in the third year of the program,
  •  University exchange in the second year of the program, at an international partner university with the possibility of a dual degree in the third year.
The Bachelor program videos

Tuition and fees for 2024

  • Year 1: 9 400 euros
  • Year 2: 9 400 euros
  • Year 3, traditional program: 9 800 euros
  • Year 3, dual degree: 3,000 euros and partner university’s fees
  • Year 3, apprenticeship program: paid by corporate employer
  • Supplement for non-EU students : 1 000 euros
  • Supplement for the sport-study program: 2 000 euros


For students outside the European Union, reduction corresponding to 10% of the amount of tuition fees for the coming year if:
  • Bachelor Postponed intake Spring 2026: registration finalized and payment of the deposit before 10/31/2025
  • Terms: Reductions will be deducted from the last payment for the current year.

Individual support and advising

Students are supported in identifying their career goals, through coursework, internships, association projects and Career Center activities. The Career Center:

Helps you with your career plans: job-related talks given by French and international corporate professionals, and a responsive alumni network
Helps you enter the world of work: finding internships, creating a CV, interview coaching, corporate forums, etc.
Uses online job search tools and posts job offers.

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